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About Us

Unveiling the truth behind the crime, one dispatch at a time.

Welcome to "Behind the Badge: Dispatching the Truth," a space where the untold stories of the emergency dispatch world meet the intricate web of true crime. This blog is the brainchild of a seasoned 911 dispatcher who, after 12 years on the front lines of crisis and calm, has gathered not just stories but insights into the human condition under extreme stress.


Our journey into the world of true crime is not just about recounting events; it's about peeling back the layers of each call, each case, to reveal the raw, unfiltered reality that dispatchers and first responders face every day. It's about understanding the weight of the badge, not just for those who wear it but for those who support them in their mission to save lives and bring justice.


The voice behind "Behind the Badge" is one of experience, empathy, and unwavering dedication. With each post, we aim to bridge the gap between the public's perception of law enforcement and the truth of what it means to be the first point of contact in someone's worst moment. Our stories are real, our reflections are personal, and our mission is clear: to dispatch the truth, one call at a time.


Join us as we delve into the heart of true crime, seen through the lens of a 911 dispatcher. From high-stakes emergencies to the quiet moments in between, we explore the challenges, the triumphs, and the unspoken heroism of those who answer the call. "Behind the Badge: Dispatching the Truth" is more than just a blog; it's a testament to the courage and resilience of those who stand in the gap between despair and hope.


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